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Craft 動畫放映專案(CAP)是一個個人獨立的專案,主要意旨在思考策展如何可能,動畫作品如何透過放映主題讓觀眾更清晰領會作品的概念與價值,並重視策展活動如何與觀影空間對話。












Craft Animation Project aims to:


1. Support independent animations internationally, specific stir up the art between far east Asia and Europe

2. Present traditional and alternative forms of making animation

3. Link up creative network

4. Combine variety arts in experimental screen, comprises with painting, music, photography, and much more!

6. Establish the subjectivity and identity of animation

7. Support independent art venues


Main programme:


International Short Animation Programme

Music Video

Inspiring Japanese Animation

Social Critical Animation

Search Self-Identity Animation


I was just a normal animation fan, then I started to share those amazing artworks to more people, that's why Craft Animation began...
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