Craft Animation? Is it delicious?
Craft (noun) skill and experience, especially in relation to making objects; a job or activity that needs skill and experience, or something produced using skill and experience
(definition by Cambridge Dictionary)
This project will present astonished animation with inspiring creating forms, there is watercolour overlapping, stop motion, hand-drawing, charcoal drawing, photography collage, abstract visual art and much more.
It might hard to define what the methods to compose the animation, just like we cannot point out only one genre of film, or one style of music nowadays.
but we always love to enjoy the mixer, old and new, traditional and contemporary, hand-made and technology..because the core value of the film is about provocative, influence, innovative and the story! what you want to tell?
The "constants" from auteur and art creator, they are actually all talk about love, sin, violent, the absurd of existence, loneliness and redemption.
Life is an extraordinary art, we just make it in mini piece of visual versions, aren't we?