Craft Animation Project (CAP)是一個國際動畫短片放映的空間實驗。 空間需要內容,如同內容需要空間。 我們活在虛擬的數位時代,更需要實體空間去感受自我真實的存在。 2016年CAP還只是地區性免費電影節下的一個小單元,當時為了將亞洲的動畫創作發送給...
Great Successes in London Craft Animation Project (CAP) premiere
The first screening of Craft Animation Project in The Archivist's Gallery turned out really nice! Big Big thanks all lovely audiences...
Cultural Impact!
Dear lovely Animators, Thanks for providing your fantastic artworks for Craft Animation Project(CAP). This project selects and presents...
Feature - How Long, Not Long
The opening theme in our programme is Society Criticism that revels the cruel reality under the unaware surface. How Long, Not...
Craft Animation? Is it delicious?
Craft (noun) skill and experience, especially in relation to making objects; a job or activity that needs skill and experience, or...
Industry - Animation hit the Top of Box Office in UK
How powerful of animation is? This is the one hits the top of UK cinema box office! Sing(2017) distributed by Universal was the champion...